Friday, May 25, 2012

Lord Over My Flesh

Finally, I begun to loose weight and it has nothing to do with diet pills or extreme exercising. I finally started feeding me! It's like those plants on the Little Shop of Horror....I started eating enough.

Sometimes we feel like we eat too much and that's the reason we gain weight, but for me, I wasn't nearly eating enough. Now, that I'm eating more, I realize how much I was starving my poor body. We say it all the time, "Boy I'm starving", but really don't know how much our bodies is screaming this. Not because it has gone a long period of time without food to validate what starving really means, but instead that we are feeding it after we've gone all day without.

So now as I get this thing together, I'll hand my secrets to you because I love me some you :))!
First, you have to eat Break- FAST! I read this somewhere in one of the many magazines I come across and it really changed my life. If you want to get off to a good start, always eat breakfast. Whether it's a bowl of cereal or a cup of grits, eat something. I prefer a cup of oatmeal with one pack of sweet and low sugar, a small apple or orange, and one cup of hot green tea. Sometimes, I'll add one toast with no butter and if I do use butter, it's only a time slice. I refuse to use the butter in the containers because I can't measure what I'm using.

Then in between breakfast and lunch, I love snack time which consists of nuts, fruits, crackers, jello, yogurt, and other little things I've come to love. No matter how I cut it, I try to eat five times a day but nothing after seven and it's working for me. The hardest thing has been trying to eat while I work. So lately at this new gig I have, I've been packing away snacks in my purse and making sure I'm aware of meal-time. It hasn't been easy but it must happen....for me.

Believe me, changing eating habits is not easy but it's do-able! Challenge yourself to live a healtier life.
Signing Off....the Pastor who is learning to be lord over her flesh! Be Blessed!

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